Neoprene Rubber Sheeting Manufacturers

Custom neoprene sheet is manufactured in the UK by White Cross Rubber Products Ltd. The name Neoprene®, a registered trade name is often referred to rather than the generic product name, polychloroprene (CR).

Neoprene material is not characterised by one outstanding property but its balance of properties is unique amongst synthetic elastomers making suitable for a range of rubber sheeting applications.

Neoprene Sheeting | Polychloroprene (CR) Sheet | Calendered Neoprene Sheet | BS2752 Specification Neoprene Sheet

Calendered neoprene sheet and polychloroprene (CR) sheet is manufactured using a varaiety of neoprene rubber compounds including, BS2752 specification neoprene. Specialist flame retardant neoprene sheet is available.

Besppoke Neoprene Sheeting

High quality calendered neoprene sheeting is manufactured at our Lancaster facility to the customer’s exact requirements. Neoprene sheeting of various hardnesses (Neoprene C30 C40, C50, C60, C70, C80, C90) is available as is smooth finish neoprene sheeting or cloth finish neoprene sheeting. On request uncured or semi-cured polychloroprene sheet can be supplied with a variety of carriers.

Custom Made Neoprene Sheeting Manufacturing Guidelines

Colour Black, colour compounds vailable
Width Up to 1.85m – UK’s widest calendered neoprene sheet supplier
Thickness <200mym
Hardness 30 IRHD to 90 IRHD (shore)
Construction Single or multi-ply neoprene sheet
Cure state Fully cured, semi-cured and uncured neoprene sheet
Surface finish Cloth, plate (smooth) surface finish
Roll lengths Per customer request, bulk rolls
Ancillaries  Slitting (neoprene strip), neoprene panels, laminations
Availability Made to order to customer specification. Subject to minimum order quantity
Service options Contract Manufacture, Design & Manufacture and Commission Manufacture


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